Honorary Member (East Charleston, VT)

Board President, Nancy EngelsNancy Engels  has been involved in communications — graphic arts production & design, writing, editing, photography, publishing and publications since grade school. Most of her undergraduate work was at Antioch College, with post grad work in Boston in bookmaking, public relations and accounting. Before retirement Nancy had served as Director of Curriculum Production and Promotion at the Unitarian Universalist Association in Boston; Publications Coordinator for Public Information and Government Education in the Office of the Massachusetts Secretary of State, where she also helped write the grant and became Materials Developer for its National-Endowment-for-the-Humanities-funded Architectural Heritage Education program. Most recently she retired from managing the day-to-day operations of the Church of the Larger Fellowship, Unitarian Universalist, in Boston — a church-by-mail and internet for non-churched UUs all around the world.

Nancy & Peter live in an 1860s era farm house on Echo Lake in East Charleston where they garden, chop wood, volunteer in the community and entertain family and many visitors.