Screen Capture 3Thanks to a grant from the Working Lands Enterprise Board earlier this year, NorthWoods has added to our inventory of forestry equipment, and is now offering low-impact timber harvesting as part of our consulting services!

With several fall and winter harvests on the calendar, our Forest Stewardship staff will be working in local forests (including the Lydia Spitzer Demonstration Forest) to achieve multiple uses and goals. Our current project in Morgan is focused on creating early-successional wildlife habitat at a scale appropriate to the Vermont landscape, while also extracting low-quality trees for the landowner to use as firewood. Check out the photos from this project, and come to our Low-Impact Timber Harvesting Demonstration on Saturday, October 25th to see it in action!
If you’re interested in working with us in your own forest, please contact Jayson Benoit, Director of Forest Stewardship, at(802)723-6551 ext.113 or