Dear Oberon,

Every Winter I seem to fall ill at least once or twice, and my friends say it is because I spend too much
time outside in the cold. How do I keep from getting sick as the temperatures drop?




Dear Sick-as-a-dog,

As an owl, I am luckily unable to catch the common cold or flu like you humans do. However, I do think I can help! It is a common myth (often perpetuated by worried grandmothers) that being outside in the cold temperatures will make you sick. Actually, the opposite is true! When you are outside in the cold, cells that fight infection in the body increase in numbers. People tend to get sick in the winter because they are actually spending more time indoors, around other people, where diseases are more likely to spread. So, contrary to popular belief, you should continue to get outside in the winter and stay active! This should help you stay healthier and disease-free.

There are also other steps you can take to keep from getting sick. Getting a flu shot is a big one. Every year about 200,000 people are hospitalized with the flu, and it can lead to death in some cases. Symptoms of the flu include muscle and whole body aches, chills, dehydration, fatigue, fever, flushing, loss of appetite, congestion, headache, nausea, sore throat, and coughing. If this sounds terrible, then get a flu shot! Not only are you protecting yourself, but also your family, friends, and community who will be less likely to catch the flu from you.

You can also lower your chances of catching a virus by washing your hands frequently, eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, decreasing your stress level, and sleeping at least 7-9 hours every night. For years, mega doses of Vitamin C have been touted as THE way to prevent and/or lessen the severity of the common cold. However, claims that it can boost the immune system are not quite true – There is no good evidence that Vitamin C in mega doses (such as using popular powdered drink supplements) is really good for anything. The body can only absorb about 200mg of Vitamin C per day – so mega doses of 1000mg+ are simply being wasted and excreted by the body. However if you are still convinced that Vitamin C will cure you, the best way to get it isn’t through supplements – it is through our food. The body absorbs vitamins from foods more efficiently. Fruits like strawberries, oranges, grapefruits, and kiwis have the highest Vitamin C content. Following a healthy diet that includes lots of fruits and veggies all winter long should help you obtain all of those important vitamins and minerals (not just Vitamin C), and keep you feeling well.

So what is the bottom line? Eat healthy, wash your hands, and get outside this winter! I would recommend strapping on your cross-country skis or snowshoes and hitting the NorthWoods trails – you can even stop by my mew and say hi! I promise I won’t make you sick ;)