At the beginning of October the Fall Corps crew was at Burke summit, spending a week converting the Vista Trail on the summit of Burke into a Universal Access Trail (UA). This small spur trail looks south into Victory State forest and Kirby Mountain and is now usable by people of all mobilities. While on Burke they spent a second week working on the Summit Trail and the Profile Trail, brushing them both back and cleaning trail drainages. They also jacked up and leveled the West Peak trail CCC lean-to in order to preserve this important piece of regional history.
For the past two weeks crew members have been back on the new Bluff Ridge Trail installing bridges and doing stone work in order to harden the wet spots and get the trail that much closer to its official opening next year. The last two weeks of this month Jon and Dusty will be finishing up a trail layout project for Jay Community Recreation Centre and for the Cohos Trail in NH.