The Forest Stewardship Institute at NorthWoods Stewardship Center was pleased to recently be chosen as a grant recipient by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation’s New England Forests & Rivers Fund.

The $53,000 grant will allow our forestry staff to engage private forest landowners in Northeastern Vermont. The funds will allow us to evaluate landscape- and natural community-level conservation priorities on their lands using the Vermont Conservation Design and other existing data to identify priority habitats and appropriate strategies to benefit multiple species. This will include the restoration of 3,000 acres of mature forest habitat for black-throated blue warbler, and 200 acres of young forest habitat for American woodcock.

According to NorthWoods Forester Sam Perron, “These funds will improve management and public commitment to the protection of forest and riparian habitats on 6,500 total acres, contributing to the intact ecological landscape necessary for species to survive, thrive, and respond to climate and land use changes.”

We are excited about the sustainable forestry work we’ll be able to pursue thanks to funding from the NFWF. We encourage you to find out more about our Landowner Services, the conservation being completed on our Spitzer Demonstration Forest, and our Forestry Crew job opportunities by contacting