game-of-logginGame of Logging : Chainsaw Safety Training

Level 1 focuses on introducing the participant to open face felling and the development of techniques to safely use it.  Topics covered include personal protective equipment, chainsaw safety features, chainsaw reactive forces, bore cutting, pre-planning the fell, and understanding hinge wood strength.

Level 2 focuses on maximizing chainsaw performance through basic maintenance, carburetor setting, and filing techniques.  Limbing and bucking techniques are introduced, spring pole cutting is covered and more felling is practiced.

Level 3 focuses on techniques for handling difficult trees. Topics covered include limbing, height measurement, segment calculations, wedging techniques and hinge placement. The felling is done against the tree’s natural lean and participants also limb and buck using techniques demonstrated in level II.

Level 4 focuses on ways to maximize a harvest plan for safety and productivity.  Felling is practiced at working speed using all the techniques from previous levels.  This level is geared to the user group.

To find out more about our next workshop, email Jayson or call 802.723.6551 *302.

NorthWoods Hunter Education Programs

In partnership with the Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife, NorthWoods offers bi-annual Hunter Safety Education workshops for youth and adults. Held in the weeks just before spring turkey season and fall deer season, NorthWoods staff review the principles of safe, ethical, responsible hunting of Vermont’s game.

To find out more about our next workshop, email Ross or call 802.723.6551 *304.

Learn Wilderness Medicine at NorthWoods

All NorthWoods staff are certified in wilderness first aid (WFA). Every two years, we hold a basic training program to freshen up on the basics ourselves and for the general public to arm themselves with preparedness.

Delivered by SOLO, the course:

  • presents the basics of backcountry medical care and describes the basic steps of response and assessment
  • provides an introduction to orthopedics and musculoskeletal injuries
  • covers basic environmental emergencies and survival skills
  • offers practice dressing soft-tissue injuries (make-believe) and addressing medical emergencies

Learn more about SOLO Schools

Contact Luke or call 802-723-6551 *304 for more information on upcoming WFA workshops.