“I have been working (or serving as an AmeriCorps member) at NorthWoods Stewardship Center for almost 7 years. The people that I’ve seen drawn to the organization in my time here have made a huge difference in my life and expanded the group that I call family. They are a positive influence for me and for the people they connect with through our work.

The mission at NorthWoods is to bring people together and improve their lives by fostering an appreciation of natural communities and a love of the outdoors. We aim to make the world a better place however we can; through youth engagement, landowner assistance, conservation projects, and generally encouraging good stewardship of the land.

If NorthWoods has made a difference in your life or you appreciate what we do, please support our programs through a donation if you can. Much love & see you outside!”

– Meg Carter, Conservation Science Specialist

Meghann Carter has been working at NorthWoods since 2011. Her work has encompassed all areas of NorthWoods programming, from crew leading in the Corps, to running educational workshops, to forestry and land management. You can find her around the Northeast Kingdom planting trees, running crews, speaking to landowners, writing grants, and battling invasives. Meg is also a volunteer firefighter, a Justice of the Peace, and serves as chair on the Town of Charleston selectboard.